Good News

I'm so excited to have this on my website.

If you don't look at anything else look at this. It is the greatest love story ever, it is also powerful, compelling and life changing. It's sooo good I cannot keep it in. Feel free to share this with anyone and everyone if you agree. Below are some resources to encourage you.

Our Gospel Pamphlet

The pamphlet can be printed onto an A4 sheet, folded and distributed. Click here to download the print-ready file for free (not to be sold).

It's hope, it's Gods story as he reaches out to us.

In your darkest night, deepest depression and saddest moments, Jesus is light. He turns your night to day and your depression to joy, your sadness to dancing. He heals the broken hearted. He can come in and shine in your darkness. When we lift our hand and cry out to Him to save us. He takes us from the miry clay and sets our feet upon the rock. And that Rock is Jesus Christ. And He will not be shaken. Though when He came and died on the cross- the whole earth shook. Behold God. He is the Creator and His love for you is sooo deep and unending. We are separated from His love but God has made a way through His son. He sent His son Jesus Christ to die for all your wrong doing (sin). That if you choose to believe and follow Jesus and turn from your own selfish way He will lead you in the paths of the everlasting! He will never leave you nor forsake you. Even though you can not see God, he exists. He says in the bible (Isaiah 40 ). Behold God and then speaks of all creation as proof. Ask Jesus today to forgive you. Today is the day of your salvation. God has set aside a day and called it Today. So today you have life and death set before you. Choose life, choose to give up your life as it is and give it to Jesus.

A plea: Everyone has a choice between following their own way or turning in their hearts to Jesus and following Him. He is worth the cost as He is treasure beyond compare. There is a song I use to sing when I was a little girl and it had a line in it "You take the whole world but give me Jesus." So I encourage you, implore you, ask Jesus to forgive your wrong doing and then give Him your life so you can know Him. Your Creator and the only one who fill that longing in you. The only one who can forgive you and give you eternal life (when you die).